Content accuracy
Bagify makes the best efforts in the accuracy and update of all information on the website.However, we acknowledge that the information contained on the website is not completely correct and up -to -date and that there may be errors or deficiencies.BAGIFY rejects any responsibility that may arise from the information contained on the website. -
Product Information
Bagify tries to keep the product information on the website correctly and up to date with the best effort.However, we acknowledge that there may be errors or deficiencies in product information.Product information, pictures and prices may change for any reason.Bagify rejects any responsibility that may arise from product information. -
Plagiarism and copyright
All content, texts, pictures, videos and other materials on the Bagify website belong to BAHGİFY and are protected by copyright.Unauthorized use, copying or distribution of these materials is prohibited.In order to use any material, written permission must be obtained in advance. -
Third party links
On the Bagify website, connections to third -party websites can be found.These connections are placed to provide you more information.BAGIFY rejects any responsibility that may arise from the content or use of these third -party websites.When you visit third -party websites, you have to comply with the own privacy policies and conditions of these sites. -
Privacy Policy
Bagify makes the best effort to maintain the privacy of visitors.However, when using the website, we admit that some personal information can be collected.This information can be used to increase the functionality of the website and provide a better user experience.Read our Privacy Policy Carefully and if you have any questions to understand, contact us. -
Rejection of responsibility
BAGIFY rejects any responsibility that may arise from the information, product information or third -party connections on the website.If you experience any damage or loss when using the website, you will not be able to request any compensation from Bagify.When using the website, we accept that you are in your own responsibility. -
Bagify has the right to change the information on this Disclaimer at any time.Changes will be published on the website and new conditions and conditions will be valid from the date of change.Please check this page regularly. -
If you have any questions, suggestions or complaints, please contact us.We will return to you as soon as possible.
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